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The food-processing industry is an important user of stainless steel pipes and flanges for its production. For instance, uses in breweries or beverage producers, but stainless steel tubular components and connections are also used in all types of food-processing industries. Production in this type of industry is subjected to extremely strict rules on hygiene. For this reason, it is vital for the production apparatus to be free of any contamination whatsoever.
PROTEM pipe and flange machining equipment has been specially designed for use in food-processing. It enables maintenance work or the construction of new production lines to be done directly on site. The chips generated by machining are easy to collect and are evacuated outside the pipe. No particlulates are released into the environment. Clamping is done on the outside of the part to be machined to avoid damaging the inside of parts, which are generally electro-polished and to avoid causing any contamination. This also guarantees perfectly concentric clamping and avoids any part deformation even on thin-walled parts.